Sunday, July 11, 2010


I deceived by myself

Always, I thought that I can perceive every people by only considering but today I confess that I mislead by myself ever. I have no skill to distinguish any people, even I have no ingenuity to construe the minds of the people that what they assume and what they utter.

Today, I knew and I admit that I am hoodwinked and dupe, I can not examine the eyes and hearts. It is actuality that every people have facade over his/her face.

I meet thousands of people and made hundreds of friends but I create misapprehension in my mind that friend are not veiled to me, I can comprehend their eyes and hearts and I can construe their minds but regrettably neither they understood me nor I.

Today, I am alone because of tedious mind and sightless eyes, which could not interpret the hearts of all my friends.

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