Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Beauty of Beautiful Sindh

2500 BC years old History of Sindh

Moen Jo Daro

The Beautiful Path between hills heading to Gorakh Hill Station Dadu Sindh

Sindh Museum Hyderabad

The Entrance of Historical and Cultural Museum of Sindh

Historical Shah'jahan Mosque with 100 tombs

located in Historical City of Sindh Thatta

Historcial Tower Market

located in Hyderabad Shahi Bazar

built in British Government

Temples In Nagarparkar

A Historical Site In Sindh

One of the Great leader of Sindh

Jam Tamachi

The tomb of Jam Tamachi (Jam Khairuddin bin Jam Unar) at Makli.

Gorakh Hill

The Gorakh Hill is Highest Hill Point In Sindh among the Kerthar Mountain Range. Gorkah Hill Is located in North-west of District Dadu along with Balochistan Border.

Tomb of Prince Sultan Ibrahim bin Mirza Muhammad Isa Tarkhan

located at Makli, Sindh


Monday, July 12, 2010

kavi: confess

kavi: confess: "I deceived by myself Always, I thought that I can perceive every people by only considering but today I confess that I mislead by myself ev..."

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I deceived by myself

Always, I thought that I can perceive every people by only considering but today I confess that I mislead by myself ever. I have no skill to distinguish any people, even I have no ingenuity to construe the minds of the people that what they assume and what they utter.

Today, I knew and I admit that I am hoodwinked and dupe, I can not examine the eyes and hearts. It is actuality that every people have facade over his/her face.

I meet thousands of people and made hundreds of friends but I create misapprehension in my mind that friend are not veiled to me, I can comprehend their eyes and hearts and I can construe their minds but regrettably neither they understood me nor I.

Today, I am alone because of tedious mind and sightless eyes, which could not interpret the hearts of all my friends.

Mehmood Mughal Interview

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rights of deprived People and role of Human Rights protector Organizations…..

It is a right of every human to ask even to protest for his/her rights, no force can subdue the voice of human. There are lots of social organizations and commissions, which are working for the protection of human rights, always busy to chant the slogan of provision of rights to human and tuning the songs of rights protections.

Those organizations established large buildings, heavy contingents and allocated billions of rupees to arrange seminars, workshops and to launch campaigns against the squeeze of human rights but it seems that those organizations are only for those people, who have approach, while organizations do not see the starvations and crushed right of poor people.

Perhaps, poor people are not human or they are not at level of those organizations.
Those organizations are reluctant to take any step to protect the rights of poor people, even to raise the voice for the provision of their rights.

Constantly, the crush of rights of poor people is on high. Every incline has its decline but it is dejected that the incline of crushed rights of poor people has no decline.

Recently, a malicious landlord of Umerkot in Sindh brutally killed his 3 peasants including one woman for asking him of their remaining wages. Their sin was that they asked about their right, but cruel landlord opened indiscriminate firing over them, resulting 3 killed and 2 injured. The poor peasants lost their lives instead of demanding their rights. May be, the influential landlord will approach to take a medical certificate certifying him as mentally disturbed and will rescue himself of punishment.

This is not a new incident or case but thousands of peasants and laborers are loosing their lives for provision of their justified rights even by now. Daily reports shows that several cases are rising in month, which shows that lots of poor people are screaming for provision of their rights but influential landlords pay no concentration, even thousands of laborers are detained and imprisoned in the private jails of influential landlords, who are taking bonded labor from them but do not pay even a single penny. No one is ready to take any action against that persons because they influential.

Perhaps, this right demolishing is invisible to those organizations and commissions of human right protectors, whose motive and slogan is save the rights of humans. No representative of human rights has arrived to solace poor people.

As, poor people get ecstasy by only two words of sympathy and consolation but alas! They are deprived of even those two words.

Constantly, poor people are peeping for the provision of rights and knocking the doors of media and courts but perhaps, media has become maimed and courts have become deaf.